![]() Soon after beginning to eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet I found myself eating because it was "time to eat" not necessarily because I was hungry. Without doing much research at the time, I decided to skip a meal and see what happened. Amazingly, I found that when I skipped lunch I made it all the way to dinner. I did not instantly lose all my muscle mass, nor did I experience lack of energy. Then I skipped breakfast and lunch. This felt strange to me as it was contrary to the often recited recommendation to eat many small meals throughout the day. I had repeatedly heard that skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of developing obesity and diabetes. Loss of lean muscle mass was also commonly cited. It seemed like I was embarking on exactly the wrong path. And yet it made no sense to me to eat when I was not hungry. Especially when I felt better during the fasted state. It seemed to me I had stumbled upon yet another myth of modern nutrition- that humans need to be eating constantly. Thinking back to a time before industrial food and agriculture companies, our ancestors were hunter gatherers and probably experienced widely varying caloric intakes over time. Perhaps intermittent fasting was actually the normal situation back then. Individuals that thrived under such conditions would have been more likely to pass on their genes to future generations. In the modern day, with abundant low nutrient density foods omnipresent, those genes that led to survival back then may have become counterproductive. Perhaps if we mimic ancestral conditions by varying food intake as opposed to continually flooding our bodies with food we also will thrive. There have been many studies on this topic and most show intermittent fasting is likely to be quite good for us. Let's look at some of the major findings: Weight loss The concept of the yo-yo diet is well known. Diets, in the traditional sense are temporary, unpleasant restrictions in food quantity that result in some amount of weight loss. Once the diet ends, most people regain all the weight they lost and usually a little bit more. Over time they end up gaining weight. This is not metabolically healthy. Studies investigating intermittent fasting have shown reductions in both body weight and body fat while maintaining or even adding lean body mass. Additionally, people tend to find intermittent fasting much more sustainable than simple caloric restriction. This is probably because intermittent fasting may induce a temporary state of nutritional ketosis, especially when done as part of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. Ketosis fuels your body with fat metabolites (ketone bodies) and thus suppresses hunger and provides abundant energy during the fast. Insulin Sensitivity Studies consistently show improved insulin sensitivity as a result of intermittent fasting protocols. Remember our discussion of increased baseline insulin secretion that results from exposure to a high-carbohydrate diet? Intermittent fasting reverses this. When not exposed to carbohydrates and proteins for a period of time, the pancreas is able to reduce insulin production and our cells then are exposed to lower insulin levels. The cells in turn will up-regulate their insulin receptors. And just like that, insulin sensitivity improves. It makes sense and studies confirm this. Cardio-protective Heart attack animal models have shown less heart muscle damage after myocardial infarction (heart attack) if the animal was on an intermittent fasting protocol. Additionally, lipid profiles improve with intermittent fasting. Increased HDL(good cholesterol), decreased triglycerides and decreased total cholesterol were seen in multiple studies. Reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure that results from intermittent fasting places a decreased load on the heart. Lastly, intermittent fasting resulted in markedly improved survival in a congestive heart failure animal model. It should be noted that lipid profiles do not necessarily improve in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, and this technique should probably be avoided in this unique situation. Neuro-Protective Intermittent fasting has been found to reduce neuron damage in animal stroke models, reduce spinal cord demyelination in multiple sclerosis animal models, prevent age-related impairment of brain function, increase neuronal resistance to injury, and may even protect neurons against the degenerative changes that cause Alzheimer's dementia. Mental Health Patients commonly report feeling reduced anxiety and improved ability to focus during a fast. Studies report reduced impulsivity, decreased anger, decreased confusion and improved vigor while on an intermittent fasting protocol. Immune System Support Mice adapted to intermittent fasting showed an improved immune response to, and faster clearance of a Salmonella infection compared to those allowed to eat freely. Anti-inflammatory Since we have been discussing a variety of protective effects associated with intermittent fasting, it comes as no surprise to hear that intermittent fasting is associated with reduced inflammatory markers in blood tests. Anti-cancer Caloric restriction and ketogenic diets have been show to be effective against some cancers in animal models. Dormant cancer cells are dependent on anaerobic glucose metabolism. These cells can result in cancer relapses. Since blood glucose levels can be decreased by up to 40% during fasting, it is felt that fasting may cause these dormant cells to die. Early prostate cancer animal studies show a trend toward improved survival in the intermittent fasting group. Radiation Protective Mice that had adapted to intermittent fasting suffered less damage when exposed to gamma radiation. This protective effect was lost when the mice were allowed to eat freely. In addition to the potential health benefits, there are some more immediate, practical benefits of intermittent fasting as well: It is free. I recommend consuming grass-fed, grass-finished meats, wild caught fish, and organic vegetables whenever possible. These foods are more expensive than the standard versions. Skipping meals helps to offset this expense. It is fast. You will not have to spend any time preparing breakfast or lunch on fasting days. Improved productivity. The lunch hour is now free-time during which other things can be done. How to do it? 1- Train your body to burn body fat for energy. This will greatly facilitate transitioning into intermittent fasting. In my case it happened automatically. Read my earlier blog postings for details. Start with carbohydrate restriction, make sure you are eating the proper amount of protein, and don't be afraid to eat fat. You must eat fat to burn fat. 2- Your body will adapt to preferentially burning fat over a period of weeks. During the first two weeks you may feel a bit strange, you will likely lose 10 or more pounds. Stay well hydrated and eat healthy fats when hungry. 3- Within 6 weeks of beginning a low carbohydrate diet many people easily and automatically transition into intermittent fasting. If you would like to try this - simply skip breakfast and lunch and eat a proper dinner. Stay well hydrated throughout the day. Black coffee and tea can be consumed during the fast. To sleep properly, stop consuming caffeine by 2PM. Water should be consumed throughout the day. 4- It appears the beneficial effects of fasting require at least 12 hours without eating, and benefits increase with longer fasting periods. Although fasting can safely be extended beyond 24 hours, most people do not need to. Because eating is also a social event, I prefer fasting from after dinner until dinner the next day. This way I can sit down and enjoy eating with my family, and it provides me an easily sustainable 18-20 hour fasting period. Sleeping through a large portion of this fasting period makes this even easier. 5- Bulletproof coffee. This is a "biohack" developed by Dave Asprey. Adding some butter and coconut oil or MCT oil to black coffee and then blending, it creates tiny droplets of fat suspended in the coffee. Try a teaspoon of each to start and adjust as needed. At first this might seem like it would be unpalatable, but I encourage you to try it with an open mind. It not only tastes much better than expected, it has an excellent mouth feel, and makes you feel good. It helps your body to produce ketone bodies (especially if MCT oil is used). It takes advantage of how our body metabolizes dietary fat. When we consume pure fat while in a fasted state, our body will continue to function as if it is fasting. There is no insulin response. Dave Asprey markets a more refined version of MCT oil he calls Brain Octane Oil. It includes only the 8 chain fatty acids which produce ketone bodies most efficiently. I started intermittent fasting initially drinking bulletproof coffee for breakfast and lunch. I gradually transitioned back to black coffee as my body adjusted and seemed to mobilize stored energy better. 6- When breaking the fast, do not calorie restrict. Eat a proper meal at a proper pace. A large salad, some high quality meat or fish and a small serving of white rice or sweet potato. Fill your plate and enjoy your meal. References: Wahl D, Cogger VC, Solon-Biet SM, Waern RV, Gokarn R, Pulpitel T, Cabo Rd, Mattson MP, Raubenheimer D, Simpson SJ, Le Couteur DG. Nutritional strategies to optimise cognitive function in the aging brain. 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John Anthony
11/1/2016 04:25:15 pm
I really enjoy reading you blogs even though I am very familiar with the general science behind in all. I just like the way you put it all together. It makes it easier to share this information with others.
11/1/2016 05:49:30 pm
Thank you for the comment. I am glad you find my presentation helpful. Your experience with bulletproof coffee certainly is not unique. This is exactly what most people report. The diminished appetite that occurs when eating a high fat diet allows intermittent fasting to happen effortlessly. Reduction in caloric intake then compounds benefits of the low insulin levels that occur in response to reduced carbohydrate intake.
11/13/2016 09:34:13 pm
Will a sponylolisthesis (failed instrumented fusion Steffee plates at L4/5) caused stiffness and spasms be made worse by high fat?
11/13/2016 09:46:22 pm
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Most people feel less inflammation when eating low carb/high fat. It sounds like you have tried the usual things, like magnesium and potassium supplementation.It is easy to become dehydrated, especially when first starting a low carbohydrate diet, and some people even need to supplement a little extra sodium when eating low carb diets. If you feel otherwise well (not light-headed, and heart rate feels normal) it could also be a coincidence. You could be getting neurogenic claudication (leg pains) due to spinal stenosis. A simple test would be to add back some clean carbohydrate foods like white rice or sweet potato and see if your symptoms improve. If not, I would recommend updating your spine imaging studies to make sure the condition hasn't worsened.
11/14/2016 12:05:52 am
Definitely leg pain. I am also having hard cramps in upper leg at night, so maybe yes, salt. I am not used to using salt, so maybe I just haven't found the balance yet. Will work on it.
12/1/2016 12:47:41 am
Does imaging mean x-ray or MRI? I think one can't be done because of instrumented fusion.
11/15/2016 01:18:03 pm
Stenosis sounds reasonable. There won't be anymore surgery at my age, but at least I I have an idea what's going on. Many thanks.
11/16/2016 10:39:49 pm
There are a variety of non-operative treatment options for spinal stenosis including physical therapy and injections. Perhaps a follow-up visit with an orthopedic surgeon could be helpful for you.
12/1/2016 12:08:40 am
Since your mention of stenosis, I have taken ibuprofen and will continue to end this weekend, 200x4 daily. What a difference! I am sleeping, moving normally, so much less stiffness such as now get out of chair without help of table, pushing on chair arms holding wall as I walk. 12/1/2016 03:09:02 pm
Imaging can include x-ray, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, etc. The best way to determine stenosis is via a 3-dimensional study (CT or MRI scan) Either of these studies can be distorted when there is implanted metal within the imaging field of view. The presence of metallic implants does not preclude any of these imaging techniques, however. Modern MRI scans can be done with a MARS technique (Metal artifact reduction sequencing) and the images produced can be surprisingly good.
12/1/2016 03:12:34 pm
I am glad you are feeling better since trying some anti-inflammatory medicine. Please make sure your personal physician knows of, and approves of your decision.
12/1/2016 06:39:45 pm
Yes, I have emailed her. I am using otc 200 x 4 in 24 hrs, sold to me and noted on his files by my pharmacist. That's way under recommended dose. No one else mentioned stenosis though, not physician (new to me) exericse physiologist, nurse or physio. Each tried to help me, with no real relief until about day 3 of the Ibuprofen. I know the stenosis doesn't go away, but if I can get the inflamation down, I can return to my gentle daily exercise program. And sleep.
11/17/2016 05:56:49 am
I will mention it to my gp next month. It's a bit of a process here so would be several months for me, in a triage healthcare system.
11/17/2016 06:34:50 pm
The carbohydrate dose is crucial. Individual people need to do a bit of self experimentation. Some can tolerate 100-200 grams of carbohydrates every day, feel great and can maintain a healthy body weight. On the other hand, some people need to keep daily carbohydrate intake below 30 grams. I personally tend to cycle my carbohydrates, usually eating 30-100 grams once per day at dinner. I use a bit of white rice or root vegetables as a small side dish, and generally as my only carbohydrate of the day. There is reasonable evidence that grain-based carbohydrates in general and gluten containing carbohydrates specifically are best avoided if your goal is weight loss. Obviously, sugar/fructose containing foods are also best avoided altogether.
11/19/2016 01:26:34 am
Something about a mound of mashed turnip with a pool of butter in the centre. The little red-tops...
8/14/2017 06:03:56 pm
So this is all very interesting I do all this now the fasting I just have to cut the carbs I'm so r
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